
This website is intended to provide educational information on topics related to wealth building and self improvement. This book does not claim to provide financial, legal or health care advice. The material written in this book is for information purposes only.  This website does not offer advice regarding the nature, value or suitability of any particular investment strategy. Everyone’s financial situation is different. Particular investment strategies mentioned on this website may not be suitable for you. All investments carry risk and past results do not guarantee future performance.   The information on this website are only suggestions and is up to the reader to make his or her own decisions. Consult with a certified financial advisor or healthcare professional when evaluating any material on this website. The publisher has endeavored to make the material on this site accurate. The information should be used only as general guide, however, as the publisher cannot guarantee that this information is free of typographical or content errors. Furthermore, each piece of content contains educational information only up to its original publication date.